Sunday, December 28, 2008

Subtle Details Make The Movie

Sometimes the little things in a movie that you only notice the second or third time you see it make the movie. I was watching batman again and one of the things i didn't pick up on was how 2 face knew that Wuertz was one of the bad cops (maroni told him that ramirez was the other). As I rewatched the movie the second time, i noticed how when Dent first meets Batman with Gordon (in the picture), he accuses Ramirez and Wuertz of being dirty cops and working for Maroni (which is true). Later in the movie, when 2 face confronts ramirez, she says she only did this because she needed to pay her mothers hospital bills. when i saw it a third time, i noticed something interesting in the scene when people are trying to kill Coleman Reese because the joker said he'd bomb a hospital if he wasn't dead in 60 minutes. batman texted gordon all the names of cops with relatives in the hospital. There were 2 names, berg (who tried to kill Reese) and ramirez. i thought it was very impressive how they tied these things into the story. just one of the many reasons why i changed my mind and decided that batman is better than slumdog millionaire.
if anyone wants to borrow frost/nixon, revolutionary road, slumdog millionaire, or benjamin button just ask me (I only have 4 movies at a time).

1 comment:

Craig Schwarzbaum said...

2 things- 1 this is a pointless blog 2 can i borrow revolutionary road