Thursday, December 18, 2008

10 Great Scenes

I may have not included some of your favorites, but that probably means I haven't seen it comment if I left any good ones out.

10. Movie:Return of the King
Scene:The arrival of Rohan
Synopsis: Minas Tirith is on the brink of destruction, but Rohan arrives just in time. The scene of the horses lining up as the sun rises gives me shivers every time. Théoden's speech is one of the most memorable ever.
9. Movie: The Matrix
Scene: The Discovery
Synopsis: When Neo learns what the Matrix is, i was going nuts. The whole white room with the TV and chair where Morpheus talks about the harvesting fields is genius. great scene.
8. Movie: Gladiator
Scene: The Challenge
Synopsis: Russel Crowe finally reveals his identity to Jouaquin Pheonix, challenging the emperor to a gladiator match. Crowes intensity makes this scene memorable and this movie a must see.
7. Movie: The Departed
Scene: The End
Synopsis: Can't say any more. If you've seen it you know what I mean, if not, thank me later
6. Movie: Tropic Thunder
Scene: Retarded
Synopsis: Robert Downey Jr. delivers his best lines in this hilarious star studded film. Ben Stiller's obliviousness and Downey's "Never go full retard" speech had me rolling on the floor.
5. Movie: Remember the Titans
Scene: The Hospital
Synopsis: This scene, i will admit, made me cry. Gary and Julius talking about how they will grow old together is touching. Great tear jerking scence.
4. Movie: Sin City
Scene: The End
Synopsis: The repetition of the lines from the beginning of the film is genius. Bruce Willis is magic in this movie, a must see for any true lover of movies
3. Movie: Anchorman
Scene: The Brawl
Synopsis: When the emotions of the reporters finally boil over, a brawl involving a grenade, brass knuckels, and a trident ensues. Hillarious even after seeing it dozens of times. Little Known Fact: The anchor of the public news network is Tim Robbins
2. Movie: The Big Lebowski
Scene: The Eulogy
Synopsis: Walter gives a eulogy of their departed friend Donny. The whole thing with the surfing and his portrayal of Donny is priceless. And of course, the scene culminates with the ashes flying into The Dude's face. Unforgettable.
1. Movie: The Shawshank Redemption
Scene: The End
Synopsis: SPOILER ALERT Andy escapes from Shawshank and procedes to remove all the money he helped launder. Red comes to mexico and the movie ends with a view of the peacful pacific. Best scene ever, it is smart, inspiring, funny, and unexpected.

Sound off and give me your favorite scenes


Jesse said...

"comment if I left any good ones out"

I only believe that maybe two of these should be on the list. Off top of my head: you forgot: end of fight club, end of reservoir dogs, pulp fiction- at the end when samuel jackson delivers his speech to the two robbers, and the penis drawing scene in superbad....lot better ones than anchorman fight scene

Craig Schwarzbaum said...

I'm sick of all these top freaken tens! Is anyone gonna write a real blog?!

Zack Neugut said...

you are so off. you are missing so many great classic movies. you didn't even pick the best gladiator scene. there are at least 5 scenes from the godfather (the last scene when they kill everyone, when sonny dies at the toll booth, when michael kills the cop and sollozo, when the don gets shot, or the meeting of the five families -- just off the top of my head) are better than at least half the scenes you chose. the only ones that might have a chance are the shawshank redemption (but definately not number 1) remember the titans, and maybe anchorman or LOTR. how about the last scene in A Few Good Men? or my personal favorite the last scene in analyze this. or even scenes from Braveheart. or how about the scenes in oceans 11, Star Was 5, fight club or the usual suspects when they reveal the twists. please adin, post acurate top 10's. and craig, top tens are good blogs.