I just finished watching the dark knight for the seventh time. my dad recently
bought it on
DVD and i was so happy. Anyway, it was just as great and
intense as any other time i watched it (
except for the first). I just wanted to list a couple of my favorite
scene and lines from the film. Feel free to add to the list
1. The opening bank
robbery- it was brilliant
2. The jokers meeting with the mob- "want to see a magic trick?"
3. Joker crashes the party sequence- "do you want to know how I got these scars on my face?"
4. The
interrogation room scene
5. The final scene- it wrapped up the entire movie
2 things
1-rose u have no life
2-u said that the last scene RAPED the entire movie
slumdog millionaire was better but it was still a great film
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