I just got back from seeing Milk a little while ago. I thought it was good; there were multiple positives about it but also a few negatives. For those of you who don't know, the movie is about the forst openly gay elected official in U.S. history. It was a nice, well told story but I don't think it was good enough to be up for best picture. I thought Sean Penn was perfect playing the homosexual Board of Supervisors elect and should definitely be considered for best actor. It is very easy to overact such a role (playing a homosexual) but Penn nailed it. The movie was definitely slow at times but the good parts were really good. Not to give anything away but I thought the way the director decided to do the ending was great. Milk is definitely worth seeing although it may be a bit overrated. I'd still give it a very solid 3 stars.
no offense criag, but it hought that this movie was outstanding. i thought every role was playeed very well, includig some played perfectley like penn and borlin's characters. But defntely agree with Penn for best actor.
I know it came off like I didn't like but I thought it was really good just not like amazing.
do ratings out of 4 stars. and is frost or nixon the main character because i think its frost but if its nixon i think he should win best actor.
nixon is supporting and he might win
neugut did you even see fost nixon yet. If not how do you know how good the acting is.
i got them all on dvd my boy
Milk was great, so far 3rd best movie I've seen this year(behind Wall-E and The Dark Night)
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