Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Best Movie Quotes Ever

I have been having a big disagreement with a fellow movie fan. I think the Godfather has much better quotes than Casablanca and is a much better movie. He says otherwise. AFI has "I'll make him a deal he can't refuse" at the 2 but has more Casablanca quotes in the list. I was wondering what your favorite line ever was from any movie. Mines either "My names Bond, James Bond", "I love the smell of napalm in the morning!", "I'll be back.", "Yippi Kay Yay Mother F*ckers", or "Yo, Adrian! I did it!". My favorite scene from any movie was the las scene in Analyze This. It starts "Dr. Ben Sobel: My name is Ben Sobel... -lioni. Ben Sobellioni. I'm also known as, uh, Benny the Groin, Sammy the Schnazz, Elmer the Fudd, Tubby the Tuba, and once as Miss Phyllis Levine." Afterwards the whole first thing second thing thing. Hilarious. If you see it, make sure to see Scarface and the Godfather first because it parodies it.


Anonymous said...

"Shabbat Shalom mother fucker" - Hebrew Hammer

Zack Neugut said...

who is this man who posted such despicable comments?

Craig Schwarzbaum said...

Thats my benny boy youre talking about

Alex finkelstein said...

Ben said that? ha that is so so typical and what about that court scene in a few good men? that had some sweet quotes...

Craig Schwarzbaum said...

ya that was the clip of the day yester day "You can't handle the truth!"

Unknown said...

"Lock eyes from across the room,
down my drink while the rhythms boom,
take your hand and skip the names
no need here for those silly games
make our way through the smokin' crowd
the club is the sky and i'm on your cloud
move in close as the laces fly
our bodies touch and the angels cry
leave this place go back to yours
our lips first touch outside your door
the whole night what we got i store
whiseper in my ear that you want some more
AND I........"

From an excellent short film (2:32 to be exact) written and directed from the likes of akiva schaffer

Jesse said...

Saturday, Donny, is Shabes, the Jewish day of rest. That means: I don’t work. I don’t drive a car. I don’t fucking ride in a car. I don’t handle money. I don’t turn on the oven. And, I sure as shit don’t fucking roll!- The Big Lebowski

Craig Schwarzbaum said...

Hey clubber any predictions for the fight?
I predict... pain.
Gotta love a Rocky quote